Brilliant Ohio Sunset
Landscapes,  Photo Stories

The Story Behind the Photo: 500mm Sunset

Brilliant 500mm Sunset Photo Story

Cold and disappointed, I took my Camera and 500mm Lens off of the tripod.  I was at Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area in Ohio hoping to photograph short-eared owls flying at sunset.  The time right around sunset is the best opportunity to photograph these owls as they search for prey flying low across the fields.

The sunset was a beautiful orange on this partly cloudy winter evening.  However, as I turned around after taking my camera off the tripod, the sky had turned a brilliant pink and purple color.  Not wanted to waste time setting up my landscape gear, I photographed the sunset with the 500mm lens, handheld.

Overall, not too bad of a photo and great ending to my day.

Brilliant Ohio Sunset Oil Paint Effect

500mm Sunset Photo Details

Camera:  Canon 5d Mark iii
Lens:  Canon 500mm f/4 IS with 1.4x teleconverter
Focal Length:  700mm
ISO:  1600
Aperture:   f/5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/400
Lighting:  Partly cloudy winter evening right at sunset.

Sunset Post Processing

  • I used the Develop Module in Lightroom to crop the image, darken the shadows, and reduce the noise in the image
  • Selectively brightened the image using Viveza 2 from Google.
  • In the second photo I used AKVIS OilPaint starting with the Round Brush preset and adding a canvas.

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