Red Fox Ready to Pounce on its Prey
National Parks,  Photo Stories,  Wildlife

The Story Behind the Photo: Red Fox Ready to Pounce on its Prey

We had just landed in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, took a shuttle to the Rental Car lot, and we were driving to Teton Village.  Just when we turned down Teton Village Road.  we spotting a Red Fox trotting in a field next to the road.

Red Fox Ready to Pounce on its Prey

I was so happy I took the time to mount my Canon 70-200 lens on my Canon 7d prior to leaving the rental car lot.  It was only a 15 minute drive from the rental car lot in Jackson Hole to Teton Village but in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park, it pays to have a camera ready at all times.

The fox continued trotting in the field along the road, crossed the road, and found a meal in the field across the street.  This photo was right before he jumped in the air and pounced on his prey.

Unfortunately, I missed the shot of the Red Fox Jumping in the air.  However, it was a real treat seeing the fox and a great way to start a photography vacation to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks.

Red Fox Photo Details

Camera:  Canon 7d
Lens:   Canon 70-200 mm f/2.8 IS II
Focal Length:  200mm
ISO:  400
Aperture:   f/7.1
Shutter Speed: 1/400 of a second
Exposure Compensation: 0
Lighting: Partly Cloudy Afternoon

Red Fox Photo Processing

  • Cropped the photo and increased contrast in Lightroom 5.
  • Cleaned up some of the branches and grass in front of the fox using the Clone Stamp Tool in Adobe Photoshop CC.
  • Used the Fur and Feathers Filter in Topaz Clarity to give the photo some pop.
  • Highlighted the fox by using the Lighten/Darken Center Filter in Color Efex Pro 4.
  • Used Google Viveza 2 to selectively lighten, darken, and add saturation to the photo.
  • Used Topaz DeNoise and a Layer Mask in Photoshop CC to selectively remove the noise from the photo.
  • Selectively sharpened the image using the Unsharp filter and a layer mask in Photoshop CC.

Written by Martin Belan

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