Bird and Wildlife Photographers, Should you Upgrade to the Canon 7D Mark II
The Canon 7D Mark II has been along time in coming. The original Canon 7D was announced on September 1st, 2009. There is a lot to like about the new Canon 7D Mark II. The Canon 7D Mark II is…
Using the Canon 1.4x Teleconverter and the Canon 70-200 f2.8 for Wildlife Photography
With a little less than a month before my trip to Yellowstone, I was looking for a car camera and lens combo. My primary lens and camera combination for the trip will be the Canon 5d Mark III and 500mm…
EOS Inspector – A Mac App to find the Number of Shutter Actuations on your Canon DSLR
As many of you Canon photographers know, Canon has decided to hide the number of shutter actuations on their cameras. Other camera manufacturers like Nikon publish the shutter count in the EXIF data. The shutter actuation data is useful as…
ShutterCount – An Easy way to Find the Number of Canon DSLR Shutter Actuations on your Mac
Canon does not include the number of shutter actuations in the camera’s EXIF data. There are a number of apps out there to get the number of shutter actuations from Canon cameras that either don’t work reliably or require using…
The Truth about Checking the Number of Shutter Actuations on a Canon 7d and 5d Mark III DSLRs
After spending ½ a day researching and trying to find the shutter actuations for my Canon 7d and Canon 5d Mark iii DSLRs, I decided to write a blog post about what I learned. I searched dozens of message boards,…
Is the Canon 6D a fit for Travel Photographers?
Canon just announced their new mid-level full frame camera this week – the Canon EOS 6D . I started wondering about what this new entry meant to the travel photography community. After conducting some research on the 6D and its…
Canon 6D Specification Comparison
To research the new Canon 6D mid-range full frame DSLR, I put together this comparison chart to evaluate the features of the Canon 6D, Canon 5D Mark III, and the Canon 7D. I thought this Canon DSLR comparison chart would…
Canon 7d – Cannot Communicate to Battery Error Fix
Two days prior to a photography trip to Yellowstone while charging and checking my batteries, I received the error “Cannot Communicate to Battery” while inserted a freshly charged battery in my Canon 7d. The camera still appeared to have power. However, the…