Enjoy Your Photos More by Automatically Setting the Wallpaper on Your Mac, iPad and iPhone
If you are like me, many of my favorite photographs are just sitting in my Lightroom catalog. I rarely go thru my favorite photos to enjoy them. I’ve recently set up my iMac, MacBook Pro, iPad, and iPhone to randomly…
Testing iPhone 13 Pro Macro Photography on Ice Patterns
Those of you who follow the blog know that I really enjoy taking macro photographs using my Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III camera and 60mm macro lens. Well, I finally upgraded my iPhone X with the iPhone 13 Pro. The iPhone…
A Panoramic Tour of Yellowstone National Park with the iPhone
Lamar Valley iPhone Panorama (Above Photo) Panoramic photos are a good fit for photographing the Western United States where big, wide landscapes are the norm. On a recent trip to Yellowstone National Park, I took several iPhone panoramas of popular…
PhotoPills – An All Purpose App for Nature and Travel Photographers?
The PhotoPills App for iOS is bundled with many useful features for landscape and travel photographers. The PhotoPills App has a planning feature for landscape photographers that shows the direction of the sunrise and sunset as well as the moonrise…
Panorama for iOS 6 and the iPhone 5 vs. the Canon 5D Mark iii
One of the new features for photographers in iOS 6 is a built-in panorama mode in the Apple supplied camera app. The new panorama feature allows iPhone 4s and iPhone 5 owners to take up to 240 degree panoramic photos. …
Top iPhone Apps for Travel Photographers
My iPhone has become one of the most valuable pieces of gear that I carry with me when I travel for photography. It’s small, convenient, and fills a variety of my needs with the multitude of Apps available from the…
Should You Start a Picture-A-Day Project?
Project 365 or Picture-A-Day projects have become a hot trend for digital photographers. Typically, a photographer will take a picture a day and share these pictures on their website, Flickr, or some other photo sharing site. Flickr is packed with Project…