Improve the Productivity of Your Photo Processing in Lightroom and Photoshop with an Elgato Stream Deck
My son bought me an Elgato Stream Deck for Christmas. At first, I wasn’t sure what to do with it. After doing research and playing with it over the holidays, I not only improved the efficiency of my every day…
Keyboard Short Cuts to Speed Up Culling Your Bird and Wildlife Photographs in Lightroom
Culling your photographs can be one of the most dreaded tasks for photographers. This is especially true for Bird and Wildlife photographers who may have thousands of photographs to go thru to pick out which ones to edit and which…
How to Post Process Your Bird Photographs in Lightroom and Photoshop
It is difficult to develop a detailed, step by step recipe for post processing bird photographs as every image is different. But in this blog, I’ll describe my processing steps at a higher level and my decision process for how…
How Do You Rename a Bunch of Photos in Adobe Lightroom?
When importing your files into Adobe Lightroom, you have the ability to specify a file name text and format for files that you are moving from your card to the Lightroom library. But sometimes you want to rename files that are…
Workflow to go from Lightroom to Photoshop and Back and Not Lose Your Layers
Adobe Lightroom Classic is capable of storing the layers you create in Photoshop, you just need to be careful how you save and launch your images. First, I will discuss the different options to edit your files when round tripping…
How to Post Process your Star Trail Photographs in Lightroom
After hours outside photographing your star trails with your Olympus OM-D or other camera, your final image output by the camera probably looks something like this. This is due to light pollution and how dark of a location you were…
How to Create an Export Preset in Lightroom
Presets are a big time saver for photographers. Often photographers will need to export images out of Adobe Lightroom for several purposes with different sizes and characteristics. I frequently export photographers at different sizes and resolutions to print, upload to…
Why is the Filter Gallery Greyed Out in Photoshop and How to Fix it
The Photoshop Filter Gallery provides access to numerous artistic filters to give your photos a creative and artistic look. It can be a lot of fun to create works of art from your images using the Filter Gallery. But, sometimes…
How I use Attributes in Lightroom to Find my Photos
Adobe’s Lightroom has powerful tools to help you tag and find your photos besides just looking for photos in a traditional file structure. However, it can be quite confusing to figure out a system for how to use Lightroom’s attributes…
The Value of Ranking Your Photos
I recently attended a photography workshop in Yosemite. For an icebreaker for the workshop, we had to share our 10 favorite photos for the group. I had never ranked my photos so this was somewhat of a daunting task. However, it turned out…