OM System 90mm Macro Unboxing, First Impressions, and Limitations
OM Digital Solutions announced their new 90mm Pro Macro lens on February 8, 2023. There was a lot of speculation in the message boards and blog comments that the lens would be delayed due to high demand. I’m happy to…
Testing iPhone 13 Pro Macro Photography on Ice Patterns
Those of you who follow the blog know that I really enjoy taking macro photographs using my Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III camera and 60mm macro lens. Well, I finally upgraded my iPhone X with the iPhone 13 Pro. The iPhone…
Why I use Flash for Outdoor Macro Photography
Lately, I’ve written several blogs on gear and setups for macro flash photography. I thought I’d take a step back and write about the reason why I use flash for macro photography and why you should consider doing so as…
A Comparison of Flash and Diffuser Options for Macro Photography
There are quite a few options for using flash for macro photography. Over the past several years, I’ve tried several different flash and diffuser combinations for using flash for macro photography. So, which option is the best? Well, it depends. …
How to Create Clean, Non Distracting Backgrounds for your Macro Photographs
A clean, non distracting background is one of the most important compositional elements for macro photography. In fact, next to sharp subject, it is probably the most important. A distracting background can have stray objects such as unwanted leaves and…
Should you Shoot with On or Off Camera Flash for Macro Photography?
The availability of light is a typical problem when shooting macro photography. Typically with macro photography, you are shooting at close distances to the subject and at smaller apertures to increase the depth of field which leaves you shooting at…
Beat the Winter Photography Blues with a Macro Photography Walk
Macro photography can be just as much fun in the winter as it is in the summer. There are no insects or flowers but there are plenty of winter macro subjects. A winter macro photo walk will also get you…
Stay at Home Photography Project – Create a Screw City Skyline
Sometimes we are forced to stay in the house to pursue our photography hobby. It’s a good idea to have a list of photography projects we can work on while staying at home. Building and photographing a Screw City Skyline…
Tree Bark as Art Photography Project
I love to photograph nature. But in the winter in colder climates there are significantly less nature subjects to photograph. I still love to go on photography hikes in the winter and tree bark is a terrific subject to photograph.…
Multitasking for Nature Photography
While it pays to do your homework for nature photography walks, it’s also important not to lock yourself into one genre of nature photography during your photo walk. Multitasking or looking at more than one type of nature photography during…