Why is it So Difficult to Photograph Snowflakes? Plus Tips to Make it Easy
Snowflakes are one of the most stunning and sought after winter macro photography subjects. Snowflakes are beautiful and like fingerprints, each one is different. Photographing snowflakes doesn’t have to be difficult. In this blog, I will give you tips to…
Give Your Macro Images a Creative Abstract Look with Boris FX Optics
Boris FX is known for its editing and special effects software for films. Boris FX has also released software that enables these special effects for photography – Boris FX Optics. Boris FX Optics Works great for producing creative, fun, and…
Winter, Stay at Home Photography Project – Circuit Board Macro
Sometimes, especially in the winter, you can’t get outside for photography. Winter indoor macro photography projects can be a lot of fun and produce some terrific images. So, why macro photography of circuit boards? First, electronic circuits are in just…
Testing iPhone 13 Pro Macro Photography on Ice Patterns
Those of you who follow the blog know that I really enjoy taking macro photographs using my Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III camera and 60mm macro lens. Well, I finally upgraded my iPhone X with the iPhone 13 Pro. The iPhone…
Settings for Using Flash for Macro Photography on Olympus OM-D Cameras
Starting out using flash for macro photography can be a bit intimidating. But with a little practice, you can easily master macro flash photography. I’ve wrote a bunch of blog posts on a variety of macro photography topics. I recently…
Why I use Flash for Outdoor Macro Photography
Lately, I’ve written several blogs on gear and setups for macro flash photography. I thought I’d take a step back and write about the reason why I use flash for macro photography and why you should consider doing so as…
A Comparison of Flash and Diffuser Options for Macro Photography
There are quite a few options for using flash for macro photography. Over the past several years, I’ve tried several different flash and diffuser combinations for using flash for macro photography. So, which option is the best? Well, it depends. …
Should you Shoot with On or Off Camera Flash for Macro Photography?
The availability of light is a typical problem when shooting macro photography. Typically with macro photography, you are shooting at close distances to the subject and at smaller apertures to increase the depth of field which leaves you shooting at…
Testing the Raynox DCR-250 Super Macro Lens with the Olympus 60mm and 30mm Macro Lenses
There are not a lot choices for a Micro Four Thirds macro lens with a greater than 1:1 magnification. The Olympus 60mm macro will give you up to a 1:1 magnification and the Olympus 30mm macro gives up to a…
In Cloudy Skies, Reach for your Macro Photography Lens
I was on my way to Cuyahoga Valley National Park to photograph the spring bird migration, but the skies were gray and the light was flat. The weather forecast called for 2 hours of partly cloudy weather. It looked like…