Transportation in India – What’s on the Road? (Part 2)
As promised, here is part 2 of my transportation in India blog. It took a lot longer to create part 2 of this blog than I thought. Tractor Taxi in Farm Country This delay was partially because I kept finding…
Transportation in India – What’s on the Road? (Part 1)
After a ½ dozen trips to India, I’ve seen just about everything on the road. In India and other developing nations, people can be very creative about how to get from point A to point B. Indian Father and Sun…
Photo Story: Carrying Wood at the Mehtab Bagh, Agra, India
This photo was taken across the river from the Taj Mahal in an area next to the Mehtab Bagh Garden in Agra, India. This Indian lady was carrying wood for use as fuel and is pictured with with her son…
How Much can you Carry on a Motorcycle (In India)?
Motorcycles are everywhere in India. They are inexpensive and can weave through the busy and chaotic traffic in Indian cities. Indian Motorcycle Customized for Delivery In this blog, I’ll discuss the use of motorcycles in India and also share some…
The Tuk Tuk – the Work Horse of India
The Tuk Tuk (pronounced took took) or Auto Rickshaw is a motorized version of the hand pulled or cycle rickshaw. These three-wheeled taxis are popular in India as well as other developing countries. Over Crowded Tuk Tuk – Put the…
Street Photography in Agra, India – the Home of the Taj Mahal
The city of Agra in Uttar Pradesh, India is a well know destination for travel photographers. The main attractions for photographers in Agra are the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. Overloaded Tuk Tuk The Taj Mahal is a beautiful white…
Photo Story: Carrying Cow Patties in India
In rural India cow dung patties are used as fuel for cooking and heating. The water buffalo gather along the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra, where these cow patties were formed and dried. Carrying Cow Patties in Agra,…
The Story Behind the Photo: Family of 5 on a Scooter, India
Family of 5 on a Scooter Photo Story Motorcycles and Scooters are very popular in India due to their less expensive price and ability to maneuver through the busy traffic. It is also not uncommon to see 3, 4 or…
The People of Rajasthan, India – Street Photography
The state of Rajasthan is located in the western part of India bordered with Pakastan. Rajasthan is a arid region with much of the region being desert. The Thar Desert or Great Indian Desert, located in Rajasthan has a size of…
More Examples of Indian Street Photography
The streets of India are full of activity for street photographers. In fact, India is one of my favorite destinations for street photography. The streets are full of people, women in vibrant colored clothing, markets, and a lot of traffic. …