Elephant Making its Own Ice Cubes
While visiting the Honolulu Zoo on Waikiki Beach, I witnessed some interesting and intelligent behavior by elephants in the zoo. Elephant Making his own Ice Cubes – #1 The Zookeepers at the Honolulu Zoo give the elephants chunks of ice…
Juvenile Bald Eagles Fighting for a Fish on the Ice – A Photo Essay
It was dark, cloudy, with a light snow. It wasn’t a great day for photography. But it turns out that it was a great day to watch wildlife. The photographs in this blog are not the best, but they do…
Photo Story: Struggle for Survival – Toad and a Snake
Before I start, let me warn you. The images in this blog post may be graphic to some people. This is a photography story about a struggle for survival between a toad and a snake. Read on to find out…
Yellowstone Bison Crossing the Lamar River
There are around 4,600 bison in Yellowstone National Park and many of these bison are located in the Lamar Valley. The Lamar Valley is also known as the Serengeti of North America due to the abundance of wildlife in the…
Fight for Survival – Uinta Ground Squirrel and Weasel
One of the things that I like best about being a nature and wildlife photographer is observing wildlife and birds in their natural environment and using photography to capture their behavior. On a recent trip to Yellowstone National Park, I…