Should You Upgrade to the Olympus M.Zuiko 150-400mm f/4.5 Pro Lens for Bird and Wildlife Photography
I’m finally getting around to selling my old Canon DSLR gear at MPB. I’ve been using Olympus Micro Four Thirds photography gear since 2014, and I have been using it for all genres of photography (except deep sky astrophotography) for…
Photographing Birds and Wildlife at Bombay Hook NWR, Delaware
Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is located 10 miles from Dover, Delaware near the town of Smyrna. Dover is a good place to stay with several hotels and multiple restaurants on the southern side of town on North Dupont…
Blackwater NWR – A Great Spot for Bird and Wildlife Photographers
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is a terrific destination for bird and wildlife photographers. The bird species vary by season but there is always something to photograph at Blackwater NWR. Blackwater is also a great location to photograph sunrises and…
Photographing Wildlife on a Bison Carcass – The Cycle of Life at Yellowstone National Park
Every year about 9% of the Yellowstone Bison population do not make it through the long, harsh Yellowstone winter. They die of old age, disease, injury, winter exposure and predation. Bison are amazing animals. Here is a link to more…
Photographing Wildlife at Yellowstone National Park with Olympus Micro Four Thirds Gear
I’ve been to Yellowstone National Park numerous times for wildlife photography, but I’ve always used my Canon gear to photograph the wildlife. When flying to Yellowstone, bringing the larger Canon gear to photograph wildlife can be a challenge. On a…
Top Olympus OM-D Tips and Settings for Bird and Wildlife Photographers
Olympus OM-D cameras are terrific for bird and wildlife photography. Their small size and light weight make them easier for travel, hiking, and hand holding your gear for extended periods of time. Olympus OM-D Cameras also have quite a few…
Should you Switch to the Olympus OM-D and 300mm f/4 lens for Bird and Wildlife Photography?
I love to photograph birds and wildlife. I’ve captured some really good images using my Canon 5d Mark III with the Canon 500mm f/4 and Canon 100-400mm f/4.5 – f/5.6 lenses. I’ve also owned Olympus gear for years and I…
Winter Wildlife Photography at Yellowstone National Park
Many photographers travel to Yellowstone National Park in the spring / early summer for wildlife photography. The big attraction in the spring is the babies and the bears – which is awesome! But, there are also advantages to photograph Yellowstone…
Wildlife Photography at Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Theodore Roosevelt National Park is a relatively unknown national park located in North Dakota. The park is divided into two sections – the north and south units. I found the south unit to be better for wildlife than the north unit.…
Elephant Making its Own Ice Cubes
While visiting the Honolulu Zoo on Waikiki Beach, I witnessed some interesting and intelligent behavior by elephants in the zoo. Elephant Making his own Ice Cubes – #1 The Zookeepers at the Honolulu Zoo give the elephants chunks of ice…