Backlit Winter Branch
Nature,  Photo Stories

The Story Behind the Photo: Backlit Winter Branch

Backlit Winter Branch Photo Story

When I’m out on a morning nature photography walk, I try to look for backlit subjects.  These can either be silhouettes or provide a backlit glow to the subject.

On this particular winter morning, I was out photographing birds in Cuyahoga Valley National Park when I noticed this backlit branch from a weed growing along the trail.

I have started carrying my Olympus OM-D E-M5 along in my pocket while photographing birds just in case I see a composition that I like.  The articulating LCD on the Olympus OM-D came in handy on this shot.  I did not need to get down low to the ground or look directly in the sun to get this shot.

Backlit Branch Photo Details

Camera:  Olympus OM-D E-M5
Lens: Olympus 12-50mm f3.5 – 6.3
Focal Length:  43mm
ISO:  400
Aperture:   f/6.0
Shutter Speed: 1/4000 second
Exposure Compensation: -.7
Lighting:  Clear, sunny winter morning.  Subject was backlit by the rising sun.

Backlit Branch Post Processing

  • The photo was cropped and the exposure darkened in Lightroom
  • Topaz Clarity, Macro II preset was used to adjust the photo clarity and contrast.
  • Selectively adjusted the brightness and warmed the sun using Viveza 2.
  • Reduced the noise using the Luminance Noise Reduction Slider in Lightroom.

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